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Michiru is a romantic relationship with Haruka Tenoh. Nagisa is in romantic and intimate relationship with Iczer-1. Iczer-1 is in romantic and intimate relationship with Nagisa throughout the series. At some point, Tomoyo confesses her love to Sakura, but Sakura misunderstands her, thinking she means 'love' as a best friend, and Tomoyo says that she will explain when Sakura is older. Unfortunately for Tomoyo, Sakura does not return her feelings, even though she does help her find her voice. Tomoyo is in love with the protagonist of the show, Sakura, even loving what she wears. The commentary in the booklet indicated that Shiori also had feelings for her, but was too troubled and insecure to act on them in a healthy way. She is described as 'homosexual' by the creators in the DVD booklet. Juri is explicitly in love with her female classmate, Shiori, in both the TV series and movie. Rei has feelings for Nanako, a 16-year-old student who attends the same academy.

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